God doesn't confine His circles of influence to meetings and services or religious buildings. His influence is most marked when people exhibit gifts of grace given by God. It might be a timely miracle. It might be a startlingly well worded poem. It might be a flash of inspiration of some other kind. It might be supernatural utterance in an angelic language spoken or sung. It might be a sense of overwhelming awe or a sudden moment of liberating peace. It might be in private. It might be in company. It might be in a religious service. It might be in the workplace. It might be sudden. It might span days. It might be perceived to span decades. It is often unrecognised as God. It might be recognised years later or hours later. It is sure and faithful and true and edifying though when it is God and it manfests God as the Father and Jesus as the Son of God and the Holy Spirit as coming from God in Jesus' name as God's word and Jesus' testimony and that of His faithful servants is believed. God with us.