When it is considered true that the birth of Jesus of Nazareth called Jesus Christ came about as a virgin birth and that there were prophecies fulfilled from the Book of Isaiah written centuries earlier matching other details like the name given this baby Isa or Jesus or Yeshuah, considering this was all so mysterious and astonishing and other things happening involving Jesus ever since are not unbelievable. It was the time Jesus came too that was prophesied by Daniel in the Book of Daniel. It is the existence still of bone fragments likely to belong to the cousin of Jesus recognised as having truly lived and become well known, John the Baptist, that adds weight to the Messiahship of Jesus. John the Baptist had a ministry fulfilling prophecies from centuries earlier involving his teaching of economic levelling of the playing field by richer giving to poorer, ministry akin to Elijah of old, ministry in the wilderness to prepare the way for Jesus his cousin. Then there is the teachings of Jesus about the Son of Man who was prosphesied in the Book of Enoch found now among the Dead Sea Scrolls in fragments preserved in the Ethioptic scriptures. The Son of Man mentioned in the Second Book of Parables described so well the person Jesus professed to be having existed before the Bronze Age and even before cosmic beginnings. So to say Jesus lives and works miracles today still is hardly surprising yet everything about Jesus is astounding and takes me aback even though I remember much in my own memory of what I have witnessed. He is the ultimate being of perfection besides the God who is His own Father and God. Devoid of deficiency and defect. Wondrous with glory reaching out to the depths of the human heart from His own now Human heart but firstborn from the dead, alive forever. This Son of Man has been crucified, has suffered ultimate death by crucifixion yet lives and lives forever. This Jesus is High Priest over the true House of God, those who believe and keep His words forever no matter what, even to the point of death. This Jesus is hope of acquiring righteousness which is His own freedom from slavery to doing wrong. Jesus who is hope of being made worthy by Him for resurrection. This Jesus, Himself Resurrection and Life, who can of Himself by power God has given Him raise the dead and give them life to eternally know Him and God who sent Him. This Jesus who will raise those worthy of resurrection when He comes so they escape the future death which is beyond death at the Final Judgment. "Have faith in God" He says and He practices what He preaches too, gloriously as Son of the Most High God who alone is the true living God, The Father who sent Him. Your work given you by God is to have faith in God and faith in Jesus who God sent. Jesus has completed His own work of dying and rising from death having testified to the truth. Now He can complete what is deficient in yours by completing what is lacking in your faith.