
Saturday, 14 May 2016

Live On

Stay alive to know God better and better. The new Way opens up for whoever wills to come a means to live on. To live on and on. A new way of survival and real life by intervention of the Holy Spirit who comes to the person in this way who believes what God speaks and Jesus testifies. The Holy Spirit comes when life is waning to take it forward and break the power of death and danger. These interventions keep a believer alive over and above what the old way of the Law from God could do for the person under it. The keeping alive of the believer who follows this Holy Spirit sent by God the Father allows this believer life as an opportunity and time in which to gain ever better knowledge of God The Father and Jesus Christ His Beloved Son who died and lives and ever lives. So therefore since you can know God if you believe Him and love Him as you live on, live and let The Spirit give you life. Ahead is The Resurrection and The Life. Embrace it; embrace Him.