
Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Obedience to God

What is it to be obedient to God? God commanded that people love Him as their God and obey Him. He commanded that people turn from idols and believe that He sent Jesus Chirst into the world showing Jesus to be His Son by raising Him from the dead. Obedience starts with love for God and necessarily for His Son too. Love for His Son includes allowing His Son to make you right in your living and actions with a righteousness from Him. Love for His Son means belief that He is and was and that He will ever live even though He died and that His name is supreme and invoking it conquers evil and brings salvation and peace from God. Believing means always enduring in this loyalty as loyalty to Him is tested. The apostles of Jesus have given by God's authority commands too as has Jesus Himself. First is love for other believers and this means having and recognising other believing fellows and being dovoted to each other as friends. The Apostle John taught this command plus a command to live by truth and that this truth is known by the love between you and Jesus as you are loyal to Him in believing and learning from Him and He in turn is liberator to you in giving you knowledge of the liberating truth. Truth is to be lived by as others too have attested as being a major necessary part of obedience. Truth includes a judgment which will come as others have testified and the judgment of immorality and evils like it means setting aside such things in this life as the truth liberates you to do so. The Apostle Paul taught in his letter to Galatian believers and his letter to  Roman belivers to live by following the Spirit who you receive as leader when God recognises your belief in what He says and in the living Word of God that is His Son.