
Sunday, 1 May 2016

John the Baptist

John the Baptist was a real person whose human remains might even have survived to this day. The preaching he gave centred on social justice and balancing wealth yet most notably he pointed to the mysterious Jesus of Nazareth as the Messiah in whom people are to put their trust and to whom people are to give allegience. John has died and what may be fragments of his bones are known today but the Messiah ever lives having died. There were prophesies in scriptures at the time of John the Baptist it seems which surely he fulfilled: "I will send my servant ahead of you. A voice of one calling in the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord. Every valley shall be exalted and the mountains made low and the glory of the LORD will be revealed." The last of these so well matches the cries of John the Baptist to give to one who has no coat if you have two. This levels the field. On a level field there is a better view by which the many are to see an approaching light and the Lord who comes would not need the distraction of having to curse the hearers for social inequality but could concentrate on delivering the message and teachings so important as to warrant His coming and the glory of the One who sends Him could be revealed. Yet John the Baptust in particular foretold the then coming sacrificial death of this Jesus of Nazareth as The Lamb of God to be slain for the sins of the world. This was before John the Baptist himself met a terrible end being beheaded by King Herod.