
Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Deflation and Life

A rubber tyre on a wheel can lose its air and get deflated. Air is lost from the tyre as time goes by and this is normal. It is like death. We feel deflated as death creeps into us because we are mortal. We lose life as time goes by like a tyre loses air. This makes us weaker and less able to take on the challenges of life. God has given an answer. His Son is Jesus Christ alive from the dead and if we love Lord Jesus He can give us revelation of Himself as He is. The very thought back to such a revelation is like pumping air into that tyre. The very nature of living Lord Jesus, The Christ, imparts life into a deflated person such that they no longer feel deflated. Dwelling on the knowledge of Jesus imparts life. Jesus Himself imparts life just by who and what He is. He is so full of life that it spreads to those who dwell on Him, on a revelation of Him. This is God's gift to those who believe. God The Father's gift. God has given life and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has life.