There are doctrines which are those of Jesus Christ. There is the truth that is in him. His own disciples follow things conforming to all this. These are those he will raise: From the dead. As he promised. Why would Jesus raise anyone else? Do not take the chance. Follow him. His teachings still stand as the ultimate guide to truth, offering a path that leads to both spiritual fulfillment and eternal life. His doctrines are the fountain of wisdom and divine insight that his followers have embraced throughout the ages. Jesus himself is the embodiment of the truth that is in him. Through his life, death, and resurrection, he revealed the nature of God and the means by which humanity can be saved. For those who follow him, the promise of resurrection—an act of being raised from the dead—is a sure and certain hope based on his true and faithful words of spirit and life. The Holy Spirit guides believers in this path to eternal life; the heavenly presence that continually brings the teachings and truths of Christ to their hearts and minds. This is how the fountain that is in Jesus Christ wells up within the believers who believe in Jesus. The Holy Spirit empowers Christians to live according to the will of God, transforming them from within and leading them to reflect Christ’s character. It is through the Spirit that believers are able to understand the fullness of Christ's message, drawing them closer to him and enabling them to walk in his ways. The Spirit does not just point to the truth of Christ but also actively works in believers' lives, producing the fruit of righteousness, peace, and love. The Spirit is both a teacher and a helper, guiding the faithful on their journey and making them capable of living the life Christ intended for them. This ongoing work of the Holy Spirit, therefore, is essential to the Christian walk, as it is the Spirit that assures believers of their adoption as children of God and empowers them to live a life that leads to eternal life with Christ. This Holy Spirit even reveals new things. We must not presume to limit what the Holy Spirit reveals. We can rest assured, though, it is the things given by the Father to Jesus which are revealed. The Holy Spirit takes from the wealth of truth and wisdom given to Jesus by the Father, and then makes these things known to the disciples.
Stephen D Green with AI, March 2025