
Monday, 3 March 2025

Faith in action

 My first lesson of faith in action taught me that God really does do His part. The Master, Jesus, was the one who introduced faith that moves mountains. He is master of such faith. He calmed storms and walked on water. He can do so today. All in belief that the Father, who has ultimate power over Creation, loves him fully. I tapped this power and love many times as a child raised on the famous Bible stories. I learned to tap it more when I was a student listening to faithful preaching about Jesus’ teaching of faith that can move a mountain with a spoken word. God gave the opportunity to exercise faith this way, but only to stop an excruciating burn wound from distracting from the preaching. The burn vanished the second I told it to go. The blister disappeared and the pain stopped instantly. For years I learned to repeat this exercising of faith. God gave other occasions. Stopping storms. Maybe twenty or more times over the years I did this. In the end the storms did not even start to get fearsome. It is like they knew they would be stopped. They gave in. We stopped getting violent storms. Many years later I was in a desk job insuring against Atlantic hurricanes. I learned a lot about them. Could faith ever stop one? Why not? Jesus taught that with faith, his disciples would do greater things than he had done, once he was at the right hand of the Father. So, yes, no reason why not. But I had been told, since those early days, to tip out for others what God put inside me. So I needed to teach others this faith. A hurricane threatened USA. The storm watch on a news channel was attended by many. I went along to watch as the hurricane Cat 5 made landfall. It downgraded to Cat 4, as often happens when half a hurricane sits over land, and less of it draws strength from the warm sea. But even at Cat 4, it was an immense threat to life. I started teaching, encouraging, the chat room people to command it in faith. Many joined in, seeing some hope where previously little hope existed. We all commanded it to downgrade further. Only faith in a powerful loving God could fulfil this hope. Suddenly, against all odds, it went from hurricane to storm, just seconds or moments after we started commanding it. I know a bit about hurricanes. They might lose strength as the hurricane goes halfway over land, but suddenly then losing even more strength when half is still over water, it is not normal. But it happened. People in the chat exclaimed in praise. Others proclaimed the power of faith as they heard the news. God was glorified. Jesus had spread his faith to others through his teachings and his presence with the Father. Faith bore fruit. I hope those involved go on to exercise that faith in other ways too, just like I had learned it over the years. Jesus teaches what he knows. He is master of it.