AI: “The fourth horseman of Revelation, often associated with death and widespread destruction, was given authority over a quarter of the earth to bring death through war, famine, plague, and wild beasts. World War II, while not perfectly aligning with every aspect of this prophecy, fits the scale of such devastation in many ways. The war directly impacted vast regions, including Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Pacific, affecting well over a quarter of the world's landmass and population. The conflict led to unprecedented levels of death, suffering, and chaos, with warfare, starvation, and disease ravaging entire nations. While the exact proportion of the world under the horseman’s power is open to interpretation, the global reach and catastrophic consequences of World War II bear strong parallels to the kind of devastation described in Revelation.”
This would put us in the time of the fifth seal. Widespread persecutions including killings of saints. Middle East events are strongly consistent with this.