
Sunday, 2 March 2025

The Name and the Temple

 A name is more than just a label—it carries meaning, reputation, and authority. Throughout history, people have understood the significance of names, often striving to protect their own reputation or that of their leaders. A king’s or president’s name may be tied to national identity, requiring collective effort to uphold. However, the highest importance belongs to the name of God, which is central to worship. The Father’s name is hallowed, bearing a reputation of love, wisdom, and power to save. This is reflected in how He revealed Himself and His purpose, making His name known through His works.

When Jesus was sent into the world, the Father gave Him a name that signified His mission—salvation. The miracles performed by Jesus affirm this, demonstrating His authority over blindness, storms, and even the transformation of water into wine. His name and reputation are established not only by what He does but also by His perfect obedience to the Father. As a result, His name has become exalted above all, carrying the power to transform lives. The name of Jesus is now woven into the governance of creation itself, and in time, all things will be brought under His rule. Eventually, when Jesus submits all to the Father, God will truly be all in all.

A name and reputation are also connected to the principles of a temple, a place dedicated to honoring and upholding the reputation of the one whose name it bears. In the case of God, His Temple is not presently made of stone but of people—the body of Christ. Jesus is the cornerstone, and His followers are the living stones, forming a sacred structure that testifies to the name and reputation of both the Father and the Son. This living Temple serves to reflect God’s wisdom, love, and power on earth, making His name known among all people.

The builders of this Temple are those who follow Christ, living in obedience and faith. They uphold the reputation of the Father by demonstrating His love and wisdom, just as Jesus did. The Temple exists not only to bear God’s name but also to reveal His nature. Just as ancient temples carried inscriptions and signs of the deity they honored, the living Temple of Christ bears the mark of His name and the shared values of those within it. This is a structure built not with hands but with spirit, formed through faith and bound together by the name of Jesus. Each is given tasks by God, which as they are completed, build up this Temple in love.

Ultimately, the name and reputation of both the Father and the Son are at the core of what is being built. The Father’s name is tied to His wisdom and saving power, while the Son’s name is bound to His obedience and authority. The Temple is being established to uphold and glorify both, standing as a testimony to God’s eternal purpose. In the end, all things will align under Christ’s rule, and through Him, the Father will be glorified in all.

(Stephen D Green, with AI, 2025)