A name and its reputation are not upheld in isolation—they are reinforced and made visible through a structure or body that represents them. For earthly rulers, their name and reputation are upheld by institutions, governments, and monuments dedicated to their legacy. In the case of God, His name and reputation are supported by His Temple. However, this Temple is not a physical building of stone and mortar, but a living, spiritual structure: the corporate body of His Son, Jesus Christ.
Jesus, as the Son, is the cornerstone of this Temple, and His followers—those who belong to Him—are the living stones that make up its structure. Together, they form the dwelling place of God’s presence on earth, a visible and active representation of His name and reputation. Just as a temple in ancient times was a sacred space bearing the name of its deity, the body of Christ now serves as the holy place where God’s reputation is upheld, His will is carried out, and His love, wisdom, and power are demonstrated to the world.
Through this corporate body, the reputation of both the Father and the Son is continually affirmed. When Jesus performed miracles, He was not only revealing His own divine authority but also glorifying the Father who had sent Him. Now, His followers continue this work by living in obedience, reflecting His character, and proclaiming His name. The Church, as His body, is called to uphold His reputation by acting in love, wisdom, and truth, just as Jesus did.
The name of Jesus is further magnified by the fact that God has given Him supreme authority over all creation. This authority is exercised through His body—the Temple of believers—who are called to bring all things into alignment with His will. Over time, as all people and all things are brought under the reign of Christ, His name and reputation will be fully realized and acknowledged by all. Then, when Jesus submits everything to the Father, the ultimate purpose of His name will be fulfilled, and the Father will be all in all.
Stephen D Green, with AI, 2025