I was asking God to show Himself to me and to for me to experience the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. This was because He had told me to build the Temple (the church), and I realised I needed this knowledge to preach intelligently. The Father gave me a vision one night, a night vision. He told me He is God, and things that would happen the next day, and what to do when they happened. I got so excited when it happened just as He said. Unique events for me. What happened was verifying the vision, so I got so excited that I almost forgot to do what I was told. I excitedly told someone that God had told me this would happen. I probably sounded mad. But it saved the day for people, when I did as I was told. Godly love was shown. Obedience saved a situation. God saved the situation and demonstrated His wisdom, love, and power to do so. The reputation of God. The name of God.
Over the following months I similarly encountered Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I was praying one day during a prolonged torrential rain storm which was flooding homes up-river. It had been on the news. Wikipedia even mentioned it as a record rain storm for the area. I was reading a Psalm about going to see the destructions divinely caused, over which the Lord presided. I decided to walk to the nearby bridge to see the flooding, in worshipful recognition of God’s power to judge. On the way back home the rain was unprecedented in how torrentially it poured. My big umbrella kept me dry. I was in awe of God. Suddenly a clear voice spoke into my head. It was incomparably authoritative. “Put down your umbrella!” It was a voice of such commanding power that I immediately obeyed. I folded the umbrella down despite the rain downpour. The rain stopped so quickly that not a drop touched me. I immediately told myself “It is the Lord! It is Jesus!” I prayed to know for sure. I went to bed later and saw a dressing gown hanging up on a nail on the wall. I asked “Lord Jesus. If that was you, let that dressing gown be off its nail by the morning.” I then went to sleep. In the middle of the night a force went so deep into my mind, crossing all its defences, shaking my inner being, waking me up. It was master-like in no way I ever experienced before. I got up and went over to the dressing gown. I had never used it before. It was just hung up there. But now I took it down to wear it. As soon as I took it off the nail, I remembered my prayer. The master who had woken me like that, as complete master over my very innermost being, was Jesus.
It was months later when the Holy Spirit also manifested to me. It was by giving me interpretation of a message given in tongues. I have already written about it, so I will leave it there.
Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit are real today. We can know them if we keep the commands of God and teachings of Jesus.