How do we buy white robes to wear from Jesus like he said in Revelation? We need such things for the resurrection, so we are dignified to welcome him, with righteous deeds that followed us after we died and are there on hand at the resurrection. He said to buy them from him. We cannot buy divine things with worldly money of course. It does not work like that. In my experience, I did some good for people, but I felt they owed me - big time. But they never returned the good. Then one day I felt I ought to forgive them, in the name of Jesus, and then I asked Jesus for white robes in return - his metaphor for righteous acts pure in his eyes. I felt this was acceptable, and sure enough over the next three days, each day, there was an event where I could carry out deeds in keeping with Jesus’ teachings: Things I never normally was able to do. Jesus translated what I had forgiven for preplanned deeds designed for me to do in obedience. Of course I therefore had to honour my promise and not go back on what I had forgiven in his name. Maybe it works differently for others; this is just one example of what he taught me, which might be appropriate for others too. We get this life in which to store things up for the next.