A name, and a reputation associated with a name, is a matter of importance for each one of us. We usually protect our own name and reputation strenuously, whatever our status. With great authoritative people it can be that many are all involved in this. A king’s or a president’s reputation associated with their name might be a matter of national protection and concern. Now it is of utmost importance with God, and is core in worshipping God. The Father has a profound reputation associated with His hallowed name. He lovingly, wisely and powerfully saves many. We can even address Him by this reputation: “Unto the only-wise God be ...” Or “To the loving Father …”. When Jesus came into the world as His Son, we find the Father lovingly establishing a very similar reputation for him and associating it with his highly esteemed name. The very name Jesus was given indicates his reputation will be one of saving. The Father backed it up by the kinds of miracles He gave Jesus to do. Jesus is now known as opener of eyes of the blind, physically, mentally and spiritually. The calmer of storms. The master, who when obeyed leads to wonders such as water becoming highest quality wine. This was through a combination of the Father’s love for His Son, and the Son’s faithful obedience to His Father. Now a name in each case here is of twofold importance. Firstly it can be called upon. Secondly it can be key to knowledge of the individual with that name and their reputation associated with that name, and the linking of it with shared values and love. Lastly, the name of Jesus is bound up with everything in Nature because God has allowed its incorporation into all the governance of Nature. The name of Jesus has utmost authority. Over time, God will put all things plus all people, even enemies, into subjection to Lord Jesus, the Christ. Then when Jesus in turn subjects himself and all things and all people under him to the Father, the Father will truly be the all in all.