
Saturday, 1 March 2025

Getting to know the Father

The One we call God, if we follow the teachings of Jesus himself and the apostles sent by him, is the kind of being who demonstrates for us His love and His wisdom and power to save. He showed it to me personally one night in a vision in which He stood there all majestic saying “I am God” then telling me what to do, which would reveal this love, and this wisdom and power to save. I was told that in the coming day, at my work in a government office, a piece of paper would be put on my desk with lots of names on it. “Look at it!” A name was mentioned of who I would need to go and see because of it. Let us call the person Ms. X. Not a name I already knew. Now we go back to a few days earlier when I was asking God to show Himself to me and to for me to experience the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. This was because He had told me to build the Temple (the church), and I realised I needed this knowledge to preach intelligently. So forward back to the day following the night vision. I never normally had papers put on my desk because handing papers out was actually my job. I had an in-tray, and out-tray, but nobody put papers on my desk. So near the end of the day, no papers were put on my desk, so I was about to doubt the vision. Right at the end of the day someone brought an envelope in circulation and put it on my desk. It was a large reusable envelope, the kind with multiple boxes for names, where each new recipient was named and the previous name crossed out before passing it on. So it had lots of names on it. I got so excited this was verifying the vision that I almost forgot to do what I was told. I excitedly told a colleague that God had told me this would happen. I probably sounded mad. The day was over and most colleagues had gone home. Normally we would not start anything this late in the day. I might have left the envelope right there and gone home too. Then I remembered “Look at it!” It was a card for a wedding of a colleague, signed by everyone. It had a note attached saying it MUST be handed to “Ms. X”, the person mentioned in the vision, by 4pm because the recipient of the card was leaving the next day for their wedding. I rushed it to this Ms. X, and she scolded me for being late. But it saved the day. The love was shown to our wedding colleague just in time for the wedding. Obedience had saved the situation. Really God had saved the situation and demonstrated His wisdom, love, and power to do so. The reputation of God. The name of God.  Over the following months I similarly encountered Jesus and the Holy Spirit, but that day it was the Father I got to know. His name is important in two ways: To address Him, and to know Him. The envelope had names for addressing it to the recipient. The card had signatures for associating the recipient with the shared love of the card.