There really are spirits. There really is one spirit lord who is the most high spirit over all other spirits having created all spirits and indeed all things. This spirit is by some called God and by others called Allah. There is a Son of Man spirit too who is with this one most high spirit and always in ancient times accompanied Him and this Son of Man became flesh sometime around 5BC being born in Bethlehem being named Isa or Jesus and this spirit made flesh was crucified and died but the most high spirit whose will this satisfied for a sacrifice for our human wrongdoing raised Him back to life and considered His obedient sacrifice worthy enough that He made Him now Lord over all things and all people and all other spirits. So this Son of Man is now Lord and is the one the prophecies called The Christ or al-Masih or Messiah. Love the Most High Spirit with all your heart and all your soul and all your strength and all your mind. If you are loving Allah you will recognise that Isa is the one firstborn of Allah who from ancient times is called The Son of Man. If you are loving this Allah this God the most high God you will love too His Son the Lord Jesus Christ, Isa al-Masih. You will keep the commands He gives if you love Him. He is Lord.
Sunday, 31 July 2016
Sippar was an important city in the history of the knowledge of the most high divinity spirit because it was the city ruled around 3000 BC by a very important seer king Enoch Enmenduranna. This Sumerian Enoch took people into his learning about the supreme spirit by teaching things he himself had been taught by angelic spirits and the most high spirit we regard today as God or Allah. This prophet king taught teachings from the highest god and highest heaven to lowly mortal humans so they would better understand how to live and how to watch the seasons and both lunar and solar months and years. Here was the city where Enoch studied writing and wrote his teachings as a collection we call a book and the city took its name from the word for book. Here was studied the first scriptures like the books written by Enoch. The books are not found from this time yet but some such as scripture writer Jude and some still today have believed that the writings of Enoch were combined with writings of holy descendants of Enoch such as Noah Utnapisthim into writings preserved as scriptures still available in early Christian times and even today called the Book of Enoch. This set of writings called The Book of Enoch is where these descriptions of Heaven where God has His Throne are preserved. They describe a place on Earth so close in appearance to a greater version of the Cave of the Crystals in Mexico and close in description of location to something like beneath Mount Cotopaxi in Ecuador. Even the Christ too beside God is described as being The Son of Man and sounds just like Jesus Christ. Some passages match prophecies in Christianity today describing the authority of Christ's name.
Saturday, 30 July 2016
Shout it from the Rooftops
It is so important that those who know with certainty that Jesus is alive and Lord, with glorious status over all things and next only to God The Father, it is so important that we testify to all, from the rooftops to use Lord's own metaphor, about this because only this truth will give the proof people need that God The Father has made a new covenant based on the blood Jesus Christ shed on the cross and the death He died before God raised Him to resurrection life forever. People need to be assured of this so that they do not die with the guilt of wrongdoing but can go to the next life with freedom from guilt by this new covenant in Jesus' blood. Signs God gives by the workings He gives Jesus and the Holy Spirit and His other servants will help people to believe but we who are sure must testify to help assure others. So whether people accept our testimony or whether they do not, we who have seen the glory of living Lord Jesus alive from the dead and Lord in real power must tell it. And your faith is itself evidence to help others believe.
Veracity of The New Covenant
The veracity that a New Covenant is given by God The Father based on the blood of Jesus His Son is only really believed when you believe that Jesus is now alive having been raised from the dead by God The Father and that He has now been made Lord by God The Father. The truth about it then dawns that God accepted the death by crucifixion willingly endured by Jesus the Christ as God's own will such that making Jesus now be Lord over all makes the blood Jesus shed certain as a New Covenant put in place by God for all and especially for those who believe.
What is Truth?
Sometimes it is historical accuracy we need but not always. We can try to fill our heads with facts thinking they are true. We know they might not be true or completely accurate but they are the facts we find it easiest to think are accurate so sometimes we feel a need to remember them. We can bring them back to mind later to compare with other statements on the same subject and add to our confidence in them or question and doubt it based on what we might consider better information. Then along comes a person both highly knowledgable in all things with lots of that knowledge gained firsthand and highly honest in how they relate it to others in love. Suddenly facts take second place while we choose to just listen. Yet there comes a person who does not merely speak but demonstrates. They can show what millions of words could not say. Who can take in millions of words except it take years. The demonstration of truth speaks more than many words but can take a long time for insight to set in and understanding to be gained. Facts can be understood but even after understanding them there is lack of certainty. Truth from a person of honesty and firsthand knowledge can lead to a richer understanding because it is combined with greater certainty. When two or even three such people testify and their testimonies agree there is more certainty still.
Monday, 25 July 2016
One Body of Christ
Regarding people being hands and feet of Christ, so to speak, what convinced me there really is this body of Christ in this world (not of this world) is seeing real speaking in tongues by someone in a church service then having within me a kind of induced welling up of interpreting words for the spirit words spoken in the angelic language. The words inspired inside me then were spoken out loud by the speaker so clearly he had the interpretation too. It makes me sure there really is this 'body' of us all connected via the Holy Spirit 'spirit lifeblood' as it were, to Christ the Head. Letting the Spirit work in us and the spirit words of Christ and the Spirit remain in us connects us to Christ so we operate under control of Him, Christ Jesus, who is the (living!) Head and He is in God The Father and God The Father is in Him and anazingly He is in us. Superb! All together kept in sync by love. God's love, Christ's love, the Spirit of God's love, our love. Love that all obeys God.
Sunday, 24 July 2016
Love God
Love God. Jesus Christ lives having risen from death and has got the knowledge of those horrific hours He endured being unfairly tried and crucified. He knows He did that for God His Father. God The Father was always in Jesus and Jesus in Him so God has all this knowledge in Him of what His beloved Son endured. God knows what He put His Son through and that He did it to deal with all the wrongdoings of humans, including us. He has life lessons for each of us. The fact He lets us live a while to give us a chance to learn from Him and does not wipe us out right now, we who are just like those who killed Jesus His Son, shows that God is good. This is why we should love God, who first loved us. And the blood that dripped from the cross of Christ speaks a peace that is beyond understanding. The Father did that. He is good.
In the time of the beginning of Christianity many in that part of the world were called Godfearers. They believed in there being a spirit over all other spirits - a God over all other divinities - a 'most high'. There is no harm in admitting we are such as they were. Belief like this we today might call the same thing, godfearing or simply monotheistic. These people were inclined to believe in worshipping this God over all gods with worship over all worship. They would try to seek and please this most high spirit. They seem to have been the first in the Gentile world to receive the gospel with belief and be the first Gentiles to become part of church gatherings. We have to start somewhere. We then have to believe that Jesus is the Christ. John the Baptist showed the way to this first step in belief. Rebirth requires an understanding of what it means in prophecy that God would send a 'prince' (Christ) who would build His Temple. This is a combination of faith and understanding so when we hear the gospel about Jesus we inwardly believe what it means that God sent Him as this Christ and that His death and resurrection for us spells out our souls' salvation and the message holds for us hope of salvation because we believe it. This is the beginning of rebirth - birth into becoming a person made anew by the Spirit from God. This faith is helped when considering the historic person John the Baptist and how his preaching of a social levelling of wealth to prepare the way for the Christ as prophecy foretold shows that Jesus is this Christ. For me this started when I committed to following the teachings of Jesus when baptised in my teens. Years after that I had the joy of hearing that Christ died for me and having a believer who was a servant of the gospel at hand to pray for me such that the Holy Spirit came on me in that session of prayer. Laying on of hands is similar. This spirit in power showed me first hand that God is good and true.
A Great Mystery
A great mystery has been virtually revealed as scientists have discovered the evidence leading to belief in the expansion of the Universe over an unimaginable timescale starting it seems with what is called a "Big Bang". In with this understanding is posed a theological question about the spirits who created the Earth and whether they created the Universe too. It seems revelation points to there being a spirit many call The Father and many call Allah and many understand as simply God who existed before even the Universe began or Time began and another spirit ancient teachers like Sumerian Enmendurana called The Son of Man and Christian Apostles called The Word. There seems little reason to doubt the understanding an ostracised Christian teacher called Arius had in the early times of Christianity that seems to be that this Word was created by God and scripture gives some confirmation to this and that at some point before anything else existed perhaps this spirit called God took the Son of Man to be so beloved and like Himself and pleasing in His right ways that God says to Him - "This day I have become your Father". So this Father and Son together made all things and in this creating of all things there is one with them we call The Holy Spirit who witnesses and peruses all that is done and all that Father and Son do together and say and think. So before anything comes into existence that we call the Univese and Big Bang origins of it and before any other spirits exist there are these spirits. Whether the concept of time we have makes room for an understanding of there being eternal existence before the start of Time of all three or as Arius might have taught (leading to controversy and being ostracised by many Christians) that first God then The Word existed because God created the Word is mysterious. Yet these spirits have sustained the start of all the creating they have done so must surely transcend what we call the Universe itself and the Big Bang if that is how it and Time began. The knowledge or idea of this is presented to us by the coming into history in the last of the centuries 'BC' and first century AD of the Christ who identified Himself as the Son of Man and whose Apostles taught to be the Word of God made flesh who with God had created all things. That this Son of Man would fall willingly into the hands of evil people of the time and be crucified to provide a sacrifice for our wrong doing according to God's will then rise from the dead as firstborn from the dead The Resurrection and the life is a great mysterious marvel with which faith presents us once we believe. That He lives forever now to be God's means of saving our souls and making us God's eternally persistent children is what our faith needs to rely on. This then becomes the greatest story of love of all for those who believe and no mere story of human invention but a revelation of truth from the voice of God whose word is truth.
Saturday, 23 July 2016
Why Not Follow?
What reason could there be for not following the teacher who has memory of first hand knowledge of the spectrum of life and death and resurrection life? Christ Jesus leads and teaches the ends of the earth the greatest lessons and intercedes for followers in every up and down of life. He took the worst from the evil people of the first century AD Roman world in being crucified and now He lives again having risen from death that third day of death He has still got all that knowledge of those horrific hours and minutes He has endured. God The Father was always in Jesus and Jesus in Him so God The Father has all this knowledge in Him too of what His beloved Son endured. He with the Son and the Holy Spirit have life lessons for each of us who follow. Why not follow?
Follow The Christ
Whose teachings to follow in this short life and big world? So many compete to influence us. The obvious choice is the Christ given to teach and lead us by God Himself the most high spirit who makes and sustains Nature. Yet many come as teachers claiming to persist the teachings of Christ. Anybody sent by Christ can be welcomed as welcoming Christ Himself and heard as hearing Christ Himself. Yet to my mind it is safest to ensure with all these teachings that it is Christ Himself who you follow and I follow. His teachings are recorded in scriptures but they are translated so we need to ensure we have a grasp of the real intended meaning. To those who follow His teachings He Himself will come and for some He has already made a 'first showing' visit as to fans who get to see a movie or preview of a movie before the mass showing. When He comes soon on the grand scale of global visitation He warned it will be to all His own at once so nobody is left out who follows Him - like when a flash of lightning fills the sky in and instant from one end of the sky to the other. Even the deceased followers of His will get first sight of it by being raised from the dead just beforehand. Now is time to taste the foretaste and follow Christ and the teachings of those genuinely sent by Him. Find others who follow too and exchange insights into what He has said that God has given Him. Baptism is the teaching He gave of how to become part of the family of all such people - for me that meant baptism by immersion in the name of Jesus Christ as I became a responsible adult in my teens and took the decision to embrace a life of following His teachings. Miracles followed in my life as I met with other believers and together we took on board Christ's teachings and discovered the God who made all things and keeps them all in order through the great name of Lord Jesus the Christ. The Holy Spirit revealed Himself too as a counsellor who draws alongside to help and instruct. Following Christ means following this Spirit too. Following God the Father who is behind all this is the end result, as is gradual acquiring of righteousness (right true loving living) from Christ Himself. Life in this way goes on as long as Christ goes on - forever. Thanks to God. His greetings to you.
Friday, 22 July 2016
The Mental Miracle
Transformation takes various forms in various contexts. In mathematics there are structures called matrices that can be transformed about an axis. A two dimensional matrix has rows and columns so it can be seen as being tabular. As with other tabular forms of data, transforming it about an axis makes each column become a row and each row become a column. In data transformation this is in some scenarios called a pivot. Pivoting is a concept in physical transformation and movement. We talk about dimensions or degrees of freedom of movement. These are like possible axes about which transformation can happen. With the mind, though, transformation can require a miracle to provide an axis that did not naturally exist so that the mind can rest on this axis as change occurs at the deepest level. The transformation requires swapping around of thoughts that usually cannot easily change because there is a need for certainty at the deepest level of thought to provide enough mental security for change to be allowed by the subconscious protection mechanism we have within us. The answer lies in faith in the love and power of God which involves the miraculous. By a miracle The Christ turned water into wine. By a similar miracle in the mind it can be transformed into a mind of spirit born again of God.
Tuesday, 19 July 2016
Order in the Universe
What do we see when we look at the stars? Astrology? Big Bang theory? We see order in the Universe. We see the effects of the name of The Lord Jesus The Christ over matter and energy, time and space. The spiritual backdrop to the entire creation of The God The Father takes us into the authority God exerts constantly. An authority entirely invested in the name He gives His Son and the title of Lord that He has given Him. So too we should trust in this name above all names and obey the authority and commands of Lord Jesus Christ, as disciples of Him guided by the Holy Spirit who teaches all this.
Sunday, 17 July 2016
Unity with God
The goal of many is to achieve a unity with the highest divinity. This is the highest goal. Yet many are unaware of the real means that makes it a possibility and even for some a reality. We must understand and give thanks that the highest divinity provides the means by having made a sacrifice around 25 AD which was the shedding in crucifixion of the holy blood of His holy Son, Isa al-Masir, Jesus the Christ, The Messiah. The truth is that the highest divinity showed by raising Jesus, Isa, from the dead, and not saving Him before that death, that this death and blood shedding was His will entirely. It provided the sacrifice needed to make a covenant with all who believe and benefitting the whole world. It opens a way for anybody to have a trusting positive and hopeful peace and life with this highest divinity and real uniting with Him. It would not be possible for anyone otherwise because of natural tendency in humans to get themselves at odds with Him and to inherit the past history their ancestors had in living at enmity with this real most high spirit. Hatred of brothers and sisters and lies further set a barrier to unity with the holy and right most high spirit because He will not associate with people like this nor own them as suitable for unity with Him. The shed blood of the Messiah, al- Masir, Isa, Jesus, mediates for those who embrace the word of Allah, the Most High God, The God and Father of The Lord Jesus Christ that these evils of lies and murderous love of hatred are alien to Him and who believe He raised Jesus from the dead showing this Messiah to be His one and only true Son from before the start of time and showing that the testmony of this Jesus of Nazareth had been all true.
Saturday, 16 July 2016
The Blood of The New Covenant
Sincere trust towards God is something some of us are taught in infancy by parents or others. Yet we probably would not have any possibility of being taught this trust if it were not for Jesus' sacrificial death laying down His life to create the second covenant. The Jews in their first covenant have been blessed with acceptance by God under certain conditions as recorded in Deuteronomy. Yet we who were far off outside this covenant could not have hoped to be accepted by God once we had given in to temptation and walked in a path of enmity against God. We would be enemies who even if we wanted to trust God we would know we had in our past events been against Him or ignored Him so would have no reason to hope in His help and comfort or salvation. So this new covenant made a new reconciliation made possible by Jesus' shed blood to a place where trust is part of a new possible attitude toward God and trust He will accept and save and hear prayers. We have to thank God He opened the way.
The picture is there of Cain who would have been accepted and had a chance to live in trust toward God if he had overcome the evil crouching at the door as he thought of killing Abel but since he succumbed he blew it with God and departed in disgrace. We would be like that if it were not for the sacrifice Jesus made of Himself. We would start life well enough but likely fail to keep strong and sure against evil and it would make us like Cain. We usually learn as we learn from Christianity taught according to the testimony of Christ that we are normally liars and we tend toward wrongdoing when angered. Then we need a way to live in trust but the only way is the one God made in goodness and supreme love which is the new covenant of the sacrifice made by Christ of His blood. This makes possible a trusting certainty of the ear of God and comfort of God (who gives us the Spirit for comfort and comforts in many other ways besides) and love and salvation of God. The blood turns away the wrath of God. It pays for what is wrong and the truth of it frees us from slavery to wrongdoing.
The picture is there of Cain who would have been accepted and had a chance to live in trust toward God if he had overcome the evil crouching at the door as he thought of killing Abel but since he succumbed he blew it with God and departed in disgrace. We would be like that if it were not for the sacrifice Jesus made of Himself. We would start life well enough but likely fail to keep strong and sure against evil and it would make us like Cain. We usually learn as we learn from Christianity taught according to the testimony of Christ that we are normally liars and we tend toward wrongdoing when angered. Then we need a way to live in trust but the only way is the one God made in goodness and supreme love which is the new covenant of the sacrifice made by Christ of His blood. This makes possible a trusting certainty of the ear of God and comfort of God (who gives us the Spirit for comfort and comforts in many other ways besides) and love and salvation of God. The blood turns away the wrath of God. It pays for what is wrong and the truth of it frees us from slavery to wrongdoing.
There is Power in the Blood of The Lamb
Just like the Name ''Lord Jesus", this blood Jesus Christ shed can be invoked by us against evil as an intercession. We can plead it when praying to God in interecession for everybody such as against a terrible plague like the recent spread of ebola was. It might not be possible or effective enough to ask God to halt a plague like that merely on the grounds of His mercy because of the wickedness of people and their enmity with God, so instead we can say to God The Father "Simply let it be that because Jesus Christ shed His blood on the cross that this plague stops in its tracks" and He hears this and lets the plague stop spreading. He can allow efforts to stop the spread be successful and have the luck of the events turn to people's favour. God can change luck in chance events and the shed blood of His Son makes it now just for Him to do this and not just merciful alone. We need to apply this power in the blood of The Lamb to our slavery to wrong doing and our guilt. Over time this power in this blood can stop us doing wrong and wash our metaphorical clothes clean.
God shows goodness to all (to angels too) in giving these weapons to fight against evils we face. Jesus does not deny us the use of His Name and Blood (except of course if people do so vainly or profanely). That is why He came. In ancient times Jesus Christ, The Son of Man, The Son of God was Lord over all because of what He would do. Now Jesus Christ is Lord over all because of what He has done: He has obeyed God to become The Lamb of God crucified shedding His own holy blood in sacrifice. This is The Glory of God.
God shows goodness to all (to angels too) in giving these weapons to fight against evils we face. Jesus does not deny us the use of His Name and Blood (except of course if people do so vainly or profanely). That is why He came. In ancient times Jesus Christ, The Son of Man, The Son of God was Lord over all because of what He would do. Now Jesus Christ is Lord over all because of what He has done: He has obeyed God to become The Lamb of God crucified shedding His own holy blood in sacrifice. This is The Glory of God.
The Greatest Message
There are many objects of daily familiarity that God uses to teach us. Yet the greatest aid to teaching that God The Father has ever used is the lifeless body of His only dear Son, Jesus Christ, there lain out for us after the blood had been shed by crucifixion and a Roman soldier's spear. This lifeless body says everything God wants to say. It speaks of God loving us that much. The truth that God raised Jesus from the dead shows that one thing is certain or two things - firstly God who raised Him must have been able to prevent Him from dying if that was His will and so that means it is certain too that God willed that Jesus die. It is certain, if we believe God raised His Son from the dead that the will of God had been done by Jesus dying. So God has had the doing of His will fully done in Jesus becoming dead in body and shedding all His blood. So this love of God is seen in the fact that Jesus died for us because the resurrection shows God let it happen and did not save Jesus until after He died and the death was intended to be on the cross because God had saved Jesus from death in other ways previously. So this was no accident of misfortune but the full will of God who loved Jesus His Son and did a few days later raise Him from the dead. The efficacy of Jesus' death and the crucifixion shedding of His blood is now complete and is poured out on everyone, especially those who believe.
Wedding Card, Umbrella, Nature, Scriptures
God considers the insignificant and takes what insignificant objects they have at hand to make His point and do His work. Our insignificant scope for action is enough for God who will not make is fly too close to the Sun nor put us needlessly at odds with society, law or government (unless there is very good reason for it). Wedding Card, Umbrella, Nature, Scriptures are items in the inventory of what was at hand for me that He, Father God and Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit, could use to teach me. First a wedding card needed delivering in time for a special person's wedding to help out a disciple of God and colleague of the groom at work. This urgent task was sped by God, literally, when He gave me a dream telling me to look out for it appearing on my desk at work the following day and telling me strongly to look at it, so I noticed it would be too late for the bridegroom-to-be to receive in time if I didn't deliver it back to the organiser of it immediately. Small things. Nothing too small for God when those He favours need a helping hand of comfort and joy. Umbrella was in my hand in a terrible storm as Lord Jesus presided over the flood it was causing as part of the ongoing Judgment work of God run by Lord Jesus Himself. Put it down! He whispered to me. It was to show me who was boss not just of me but of nature too. He stopped the torrential rain the moment I obeyed (and obeyed quickly such was the gravitas in that whisper). Nature all around us is subject material for the inspirations given now as in the distant past by the Eternal Holy Spirit who searches all of it and tells about it to disciples who believe. It is the trees and stars we might see daily if lucky enough. Sometimes we are denied such sights by enforced walls or oppressive city life but when we see these natural ordinary wonders of God the Spirit reminds us all to look closely because here is the supreme lesson He teaches that nature constantly obeys the authority of Lord Jesus as it continues daily in its path as season follows season and aeon follows aeon. We too should watch and learn to obey this same Lord now Lord over us too. This was what the Spirit taught me through tongues in church and interpretation He graciously gave me for my belief in God. Then years later another lesson to just go look up a verse in a Bible of scriptures on a table in my room where He whispered a certain chapter would have a lesson for me. The lesson was in the margin of that chapter so He must have seen that exact version in the room He knew I would use to look it up. His proof was the fact the cross reference pointed to the exact verse I had silently been considering as I meditated. You will see greater things than these, said Jesus Christ that time to the disciple Nathaniel. Fot Nathaniel the insignificant fig tree Jesus saw him meditating under became so significant. So it is with me now. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever, as Simon Peter wrote. Yet the greatest aid to teaching that God The Father has ever used is the lifeless body of His only dear Son, Jesus Christ, there lain out for us after the blood had been shed by crucifixion and a Roman soldier's spear. This lifeless body says everything God wants to say. It speaks of God loving us that much.
Wednesday, 13 July 2016
Partnership with God
Even though we as humans can do good to others, and achieve success in doing so, and in faith thank God for such success, yet we can achieve so much success when we do good in partnership with God who is good. We might try and do our best on our own and that is fine but when we let God act with us and lead the good work it gets to be fellowship with God and that brings so much success in the good results. We can recognise that Jesus Christ works this way, never merely doing things alone but always together with God His Father. The usual things we do can be visibly led by God in dreams so we know it is God doing the leading but this is rare. More normally we have God in our actions just by living with love as our guide and always letting love pervade what we do. The sovereignty of God works in love and in us if we work in love too.
Monday, 11 July 2016
Power and Glory
The Christ was famously declaring while amongst the people of Earth the very sayings of The Father who is in the heavenly place when He taught that people must seek justice from God using prayer rather than try taking matters of justice solely upon themselves. So doing leads to interventions of the power of this God who is the spirit who is above all spirits. Such interventions of justice on behalf of the ones who obediently pray for it, along with their intercessions for those who wrong them can build up and build up in real time and reach crisis point. Sometimes earnest prayers of intercession can break the build up but this is typically followed again by hardening of hearts such that the pleadings for justice from God The Father recommence and so it goes on until apocalyptic prophecies are fulfilled more and more. Softening can bring redemption but this is war of God versus mankind and hardening follows again and again until all out war takes place so that God can show His powerful justice against the enemies while showing kindness to those who obey His teachings which He statted to give through Jesus Christ and continues to give through the Holy Spitit sent in Jesus' name of almighty lordship. This way the highest almighty power of the One true God is revealed to all and His kindness to His loved ones revealed with it. This Christ, remember, is Jesus who mankind crucified now crowned with glory and honour and power so do not underestimate what glory and power is yet to be revealed against objects of God's wrath nor what kindness God can yet pour out on whoever He wills to make objects of His kindness. The Christ was famously declaring while amongst the people of Earth the very sayings of The Father who is in the heavenly place when He taught that people must seek justice from God using prayer rather than try taking matters of justice solely upon themselves. So doing leads to interventions of the power of this God who is the spirit who is above all spirits. Such interventions of justice on behalf of the ones who obediently pray for it, along with their intercessions for those who wrong them can build up and build up in real time and reach crisis point. Sometimes earnest prayers of intercession can break the build up but this is typically followed again by hardening of hearts such that the pleadings for justice from God The Father recommence and so it goes on until apocalyptic prophecies are fulfilled more and more. Softening can bring redemption but this is war of God versus mankind and hardening follows again and again until all out war takes place so that God can show His powerful justice against the enemies while showing kindness to those who obey His teachings which He statted to give through Jesus Christ and continues to give through the Holy Spitit sent in Jesus' name of almighty lordship. This way the highest almighty power of the One true God is revealed to all and His kindness to His loved ones revealed with it. This Christ, remember, is Jesus who mankind crucified now crowned with glory and honour and power so do not underestimate what glory and power is yet to be revealed against objects of God's wrath nor what kindness God can yet pour out on whoever He wills to make objects of His kindness. Sometimes looking at Revelation and the other passages of Jesus' vision of end times it is tempting to be like Jonah and get upset if God doesn't throw everything at His enemies all at once. God is temperate and patient and gives a little judgment or warning then pauses for repentance before sending a bit more of the wrath He foretold because it surely means awful destructions when He gives out wrath and it is niot something He likes doing, as He told Jonah. But mankind has slain His one and only glorious crown prince, Christ Jesus who was crucified, so nobody should underestimate what power and justice God has yet to send in war on the objects of His wrath in answer to the obedient praying for justice and nobody should underestimate the kindness He is ready to show to objects of His kindness who He leads into obedience to Himself. It will build up until Christ Himself returns to wage war personally with the sword of His testimony of truth.
Sunday, 10 July 2016
Heaven the Place and Heaven the Kingdom
Maybe some have confused the place we call Heaven where God has His throne with the status of citizenship of the Kingdom of Heaven which Christ preached about. The latter seems to be about being in a state of righteousness given by Christ. The former has been described as 'heavenly places' by Apostles of Christ and is proclaimed as a real place in the Koran through The Prophet as well as having been made known in very ancient history by Idrees or Enoch (Sumerian Enmendurana) between around 3000 BC and 2500 BC. The Kingdom of Heaven preached by Christ seems to mean the inheritance of King David's throne extended to true disciples of Jesus by God The Father as Jesus preached around 25 AD.
Then there is a common misconception as seen in the teaching of children that the place you go when you die could be Heaven or Hell. Heaven is similar in the Book of Enoch (and probably ancient understandings following Enoch's tuition) to places where spirits of the deceased go after death because they all seem to be like deep caverns cut off from the Earth's surface and very large to hold the billions of spirits who exist there. The places of the dead are not the same place as Heaven which is a place of the living, both angelic spirits and divinities who all never die. The places of the dead are described as threefold or fourfold (varying texts) and divide spirits of the innocent and the wicked and the victim. The Lake of Fire is a place described as being after the final judgment and best fits what many call Hell.
Real places match some such descriptions of present places. This means it could also be true that The Lake of Fire will be in future if not yet now a real place too. Perhaps the Earth surface after the kind of apocalyptic melting of the crust the Revelation visions given to John of Patmos described. Improvements in knowledge might help as the Spirit leads into the truth of these places and where they might be to help our understanding and assurance so we get where we want to go after death and after Resurrection too, God willing.
Then there is a common misconception as seen in the teaching of children that the place you go when you die could be Heaven or Hell. Heaven is similar in the Book of Enoch (and probably ancient understandings following Enoch's tuition) to places where spirits of the deceased go after death because they all seem to be like deep caverns cut off from the Earth's surface and very large to hold the billions of spirits who exist there. The places of the dead are not the same place as Heaven which is a place of the living, both angelic spirits and divinities who all never die. The places of the dead are described as threefold or fourfold (varying texts) and divide spirits of the innocent and the wicked and the victim. The Lake of Fire is a place described as being after the final judgment and best fits what many call Hell.
Real places match some such descriptions of present places. This means it could also be true that The Lake of Fire will be in future if not yet now a real place too. Perhaps the Earth surface after the kind of apocalyptic melting of the crust the Revelation visions given to John of Patmos described. Improvements in knowledge might help as the Spirit leads into the truth of these places and where they might be to help our understanding and assurance so we get where we want to go after death and after Resurrection too, God willing.
Saturday, 9 July 2016
God is Truly Good
I remember the days before finding a wife. It was a lonely struggle. Now having a lovely wife I can believe easily from the gift of marriage that God is good who gave her to me. Yet we see trouble around and suffer health problems and yet even in all this God's goodness is believable and praiseworthy because God warns in scriptures the kinds of warnings we need to steer our paths to avoid the worse pitfalls. Then we might suffer in a worthy way for doing good and not in a grievous way of our own fault. So we must listen to what God has said and learn through it that He is good when hearing Him saves us from bringing upon ourselves grievous harm. Some experience car accidents involving themselves and family members but we should think it is cars that are evil or the typical human insistence in driving them despite the evils they present and not attribute the evils experienced driving cars to God. I gave up driving after a nightmare so vivid I believed it to be a stern warning from God - my grandchildren being passengers in my car when I crashed and saw everything happen in great detail. I immediately gave up driving and thank God for His goodness in warning me.This was even before the warnings about climate change. So why attribute our human evils to God. God warns in scriptures that we are going astray if we do certain things so if evil results we cannot blame Him, can we. Prophets of God warn that filling the world with cars (chariots in the old days) is evil and destroying the world He made by doing what results in things like climate change brings judgment so no fault can be attributed to God.
Who, What and Where is God?
"Look at the trees, how they bud and produce their leaves; they do so by the power, the authority of the Name of Lord Jesus Christ." There is the Spirit who gives us all words like this and it is the Lord of Spirits who sends this Spirit to believers and gives the speaking in tongues sign that the words are words of truth. This Lord of Spirits is the One we call God the Father and Allah.
It is the dwelling place of this Lord of Spirits who gives these words and signs and other miracles that concerns me here in this idea. Beneath some mighty mountain it seems in something that sounds to me like an immense cavernous geode like a much bigger version of Mexico's Cave of the Crystals but the location is a mystery. An idea of the location is possible from descriptions from Stone Age and Chalcolithic times I believe is preserved today in The Book of Enoch. One match to the description is the mountain in Ecuador known as Cotopaxi. The Book of Enoch has words in it just these words of Spirit utterance I heard spoken in tongues and interpreted: The modern words mention the name of the Son of Man but this name is now known to all since Jesus Christ or Isa al-Masir came in the flesh: "Look at the trees, how they bud and produce their leaves; they do so by the the power, the authority of the Name of Lord Jesus Christ." The words in The Book of Enoch are very similar (see ch 1 & 2). Why know all this? Jesus Christ taught about the first and foremost command being loving toward God wholeheartedly but with all the mind and soul too. He taught we should become as little children which have enquiring minds and yet be mature in our understanding of the answers to little children and so enter the kingdom of God.
It is the dwelling place of this Lord of Spirits who gives these words and signs and other miracles that concerns me here in this idea. Beneath some mighty mountain it seems in something that sounds to me like an immense cavernous geode like a much bigger version of Mexico's Cave of the Crystals but the location is a mystery. An idea of the location is possible from descriptions from Stone Age and Chalcolithic times I believe is preserved today in The Book of Enoch. One match to the description is the mountain in Ecuador known as Cotopaxi. The Book of Enoch has words in it just these words of Spirit utterance I heard spoken in tongues and interpreted: The modern words mention the name of the Son of Man but this name is now known to all since Jesus Christ or Isa al-Masir came in the flesh: "Look at the trees, how they bud and produce their leaves; they do so by the the power, the authority of the Name of Lord Jesus Christ." The words in The Book of Enoch are very similar (see ch 1 & 2). Why know all this? Jesus Christ taught about the first and foremost command being loving toward God wholeheartedly but with all the mind and soul too. He taught we should become as little children which have enquiring minds and yet be mature in our understanding of the answers to little children and so enter the kingdom of God.
Friday, 8 July 2016
Thursday, 7 July 2016
God is Good so Resurrection is a Real Hope
A key indicator of God the Father's goodness is His shunning of falsehood but support of truthfulness and the truthfulness with which He has always spoken which we can trust in and rely on for our future. After all we need to rely on His truthfulness and goodness when, like all humans, we face death. His word is that resurrection is what He does (the person of Jesus shows us this) and as we each near death or face the fact we are mortal and death is in our future we face the other truth that God is good and in His goodness He puts resurrection in the future of those worthy of it, as His true word tells us.
What Enoch Tells Us Of The Chalcolithic Age
What did Enoch write about the Chalcolthic Age? Of course many do not believe the writings attributed to him in New Testament scripture (Jude quotes from the Book of Enoch as being writings of prophecies of Enoch) were actually written by Sumerian king and prophet and archetypal scientist Enoch, called in his own time (3000 BC) Enmendurana. I note their doubts and incredulity. Yet for the believer, what did Enoch write about the distinct and historically notable period in which he wrote that helps us identify his writings as refering to what recent archaeology recognised as a Chalcolithic Age (Copper Age)? He mentions all kinds of newly introduced cultural practices never before seen among the people of the Sumerian civilisation. Prominent is mention of the introduction of writing, including, if translations have it correct, with ink. We know today of the cuneiform writing by pressing a stick into soft clay tablets then letting the clay dry in the sun. Could it be we will soon find that writing with ink or paint was practiced at the same time? It figures that clay would survive till today while ink on paper or the like would disappear and disintegrate with time. Then face painting is mentioned in his account and indeed we find face painting artefacts for the paint survive in archaeology of Predynastic Egypt from this time. Most relevant is the beginning of alloy creation including antimony. This is discussed in the account as being an alarming practice requiring angelic magical involvement for production of some very special early forms of bronze, if " an angel is in the fire when the metal is formed" means alchemical magic. The earliest finds like Nahal Mishmar show metalurgy such as never existed before or after this time that would baffle metalurgists until recent times. Then there is the introduction of weaponry. Maces appear in archaeology of this period for the first time, some of bronze and some of stone. There are many other new practices mentioned almost all of which are found in archaeology. Enoch explains them as many being introduced against God's will be errant angel spirits called (translated) Watchers. Two hundred descended on what has been translated Mount Hermon. The practices do appear later in the archaeological record the further you move away from this area of the Golan Heights. Indeed Mount Hermon seems to have the very first appearance of the Stone Circle phenomenon dating from that time. Enoch didn't write exactly of such devices but he did write of devices in the natural planet Earth introduced to him by angels in terms remininscent of stone circles - portals through which the sun and moon shine at different times of year and months and measurement of the time of year in the form of the earliest scientific calendar. He mentioned extensively about demons and their origin as ghosts of sorcerers which were half angel and half human. The disastrous times they wrought he documented very clearly. Archaeology attests that these times show signs of much violence and war and terror causing people to flee to occupy extremely inaccessible places such as mountain caves (as with Nahal Mishmar). Most interesting is what Enoch mentioned that science cannot attest such as the Son of Man he mentioned in what is called The Second Parable. The description supports theological faith that Jesus was with God before Jesus Christ appears in history as being born in the town Bethlehem and the Lord Jesus was originally the Son of Man as a spirit human in the cavernous mountainous heights of what we call heaven with immediate access to God and God's Throne of Glory over all spirits. The promise is there in the prophetic parts of Enoch's writings (and writings included of his grand children and great grand children) that the Son of Man is elect as the righteous one who will one day share the throne of God the Lord of Spirits. This is so interesting because it shows what is The Christ as known so early in history. The account of the Son of Man shows He was from before time began with God and His Name is so powerful over evil it was invoked in the time before time and in this name all things were made and have always tended to obey God and obey this Name as sonething the writings call what has been translated as The Oath: The Name of the Son of Man.
Wednesday, 6 July 2016
The Mysterious Son of Man
It is a mystery of major noteworthiness that the Son of Man described in the Book of Enoch was there before anything else and was with the lord over all spirits even before the first flesh and blood human but was known as Son of Man it seems as a way of describing a human who was spirit and not flesh and blood. Very mysterious what He was and this one was with this lord spirit who is highest over all spirits. Interesting too what He is now, having resurrected and now a flesh and blood spirit yet still a human. Still the Son of Man. Of course, this is the Lord of us all called Jesus The Christ, or Isa al-Mashir.
A next step from this is that is in this human spirit Son of Man's image that Adam was made and by this spirit human together with his father the lord of spirits that all things were made
A next step from this is that is in this human spirit Son of Man's image that Adam was made and by this spirit human together with his father the lord of spirits that all things were made
Stranger Than Fiction
So the way it goes is this. Stranger than fiction. There is this immense crystal cave below a mountain (possibly Cotopaxi because it matches the ancient description in the Book of Enoch) which is inhabit by very distinguished spirits one of whom is the lord over all spirits who is known for sending Jesus Christ (Isa al-Mashir). Other immense caves perhaps completely cut off from the outside world too are homes to spirits we call ghosts they being spirits once human of those who have died. All this matches quite closely descriptions in the Book of Enoch and archaeology supports historic accounts in this book (collection of small books) and the inspired nature of the book is supported by other inspired writings such as the letter written by Jude found in the New Testament scriptures. The Holy Koran too supports the veracity and saintliness of Enoch who is called Idrees in Koran verses having similar inspired origins to these scriptures. The most high spirit is called Allah in the Koran.
Sunday, 3 July 2016
I hear the command of God to love Him first and do so with all I've got (body and mind and soul and heart) which means my 'voice' too, even if my 'voice' is partly what I can write online. Loving God is obeying God. He said through Lord Jesus (Isa al-Masih) to shout what is whispered in my ear (the teachings) from the rooftops so that is what I endeavour to do. Matthew 10:26-28 (Expanded Bible)
"So don’t be afraid of those people, because everything that is ·hidden [concealed; covered up] will be ·shown [revealed; uncovered; disclosed]. Everything that is ·secret [hidden] will be made ·known [clear]. I tell you these things in the dark, but I want you to tell them in the ·light [daylight]. What you hear whispered in your ear you should ·shout [proclaim] from the housetops. Don’t be afraid of people, who can kill the body but cannot kill the soul. The only one you should fear is the one who can destroy [L both] the soul and the body in ·hell [ Gehenna; 5:22]." I hasten to clarify that Jesus Christ (Isa al-Masir) has not exactly 'whispered in my ear' about heaven being something to do with crystal caves, it is an idea but one I think is strong enough and substantiated enough by facts like the existence of the Book of Enoch and the other more recently found Cave of the Crystals in Mexico to be worth spreading. Things whispered back it up though and drew my attention to it. The name of Isa al-Masir (Jesus Christ) being powerful over nature is a fact taught by spirit gifts topme directly as interpretation of tongues of spirits and corroborates the similar writings in the ancient Book of Enoch where we find about heavenly places as real sites under mountains sounding so similar to crystal caves we have found recently. Chalcolithic Age finds back up the book too. All I have had literally whispered in my ear by Jesus once was "Put down your unbrella" but that was to do a miracle of showing me the stopping of torrential rain at His command - the power of His Name. He not only reveals the truth about His power but He considers the weakness of those to whom He shows this truth. His reaching out to these disciples to meet the needs their weaknesses present is called His grace. Grace and truth. He goes the extra mile, just like He preached.
Truth That Sets Free
Truth that sets free. Maybe it has to be learned by following the teachings of spirit that come from God and cannot be taught but some of the truth that sets free is that the Spirit we find when we believe and that God gives in the name of Lord Jesus His Son is the same spirit who inspired prophets even BEFORE the Bible scriptures were wrotten as well as prophets writing Bible scriptures and scriptures since the Bible.
The Good and Saving God
What are we considering when we consider the goodness of God? His eternal reputation as through all time and before time the one and only good one: His name. The name and reputation which is sometimes invoked against what seems evil so for invoking His name a moniker is used, a token we can call a 'name' too. That token was revealed as YHWH translated with an alternative moniker in scripture to avoid overusing this holy moniker so some translations substitute it with 'The LORD'. Blessed is he who comes in the name of The LORD. Isaiah had a name that became important in the prophecies God gave him because it contained another moniker 'Isa' which would be the basis of a name to be revealed in Israel's future (now past) which is the name of God given to God's son (The Son of Man with God from before time began), embodying the fact that God saves His own, the name we know as 'Jesus' and with this name comes the title revealed as 'Lord'. The highest name and the highest title given by God.
From experience God gives me I know God's archetypal goodness is such that He focuses attention on what is for the good of those few people who truly have His grace and follow Him "Do my prophets no harm" and seeks we do what will benefit and save such people. He saves as part of His being good. He especially saves those who believe in Him and have His grace. His saving goodness extends to those who participate in that goodness too, who are involved in actions that benefit those who have God's grace and those who follow God daily.
From experience God gives me I know God's archetypal goodness is such that He focuses attention on what is for the good of those few people who truly have His grace and follow Him "Do my prophets no harm" and seeks we do what will benefit and save such people. He saves as part of His being good. He especially saves those who believe in Him and have His grace. His saving goodness extends to those who participate in that goodness too, who are involved in actions that benefit those who have God's grace and those who follow God daily.
Be Careful Who You Follow
To be allowed and enabled to follow God who is indeed the One Truly Good One this is the greatest privilege anyone can ever have. There are so many such as in media who merely seem good - there is that thing called acting and you cannot trust it because it so cheekily allows people to present outright evil (and every evil has enough good in it to make it deceptive) as innocently good. Only God is good and His Christ is truly a privilege to follow. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
Saturday, 2 July 2016
Life and Death - and Life
Life was in Him. Death in us. He did no wrong. We did wrong. He was crucified. Death was in Him. Curse was all over Him. Life entered us. Blessing filled us. He has been crucified. Now He lives. Life floods out from Him to us who believe He lived and died and lives and is. Jesus the Christ the Lord. Sent by God. Crucified and all things died. Curse ended. Life reigns. Life eternally flows from Him. God's Son from before all things now crucified for us. You too.
Good and Evil
Scriptures hold evidence God can sometimes, He implies, have something go wrong when He makes it. I think of the prophecy about the potter making a pot out of clay and it going wrong and needing to be remade. God might like what He made or might not. He has the rights of being the maker. The Maker can say if what He made is good because it is His right to be the quality judge of His own work. Because He is Himself good He can assess goodness or otherwise and if He is not happy with His own creation He might admit it is bad in His eyes and not up to the standards He sets for Himself. Not to say He did wrong in how He made it but He decides to not call it good if He sees it is not good. He alone is perfect judge of it knowing all things. He sees if there are lies in the words of a creation and can judge that creation evil.
With recent events in my country and the vote to leave the EU it seemed some wanted God to have His will done in the vote and others wanted human will to be done irrespective of truth of God. Since the vote it seems lies and vitriolic slanderous accusations have flooded media output and truth has been thrown to the ground. It is like Satan being cast down to the earth out of heaven in that this can mean God has His will unopposed in heaven now but woe to us here on earth. This seems to show a reality in the existence of spirits of huge power and influence becoming sometimes more evident in the world at large and sometimes it is influence of truth having sway and winning and sometimes lies and murderous love of the killing and destruction of lives having predominence. The latter seems like it corresponds with Christ Jesus' testimony of what Satan is like as the most powerful evil spirit yet not as powerful as some even more powerful spirits one of whom is good and true in word, God.
With recent events in my country and the vote to leave the EU it seemed some wanted God to have His will done in the vote and others wanted human will to be done irrespective of truth of God. Since the vote it seems lies and vitriolic slanderous accusations have flooded media output and truth has been thrown to the ground. It is like Satan being cast down to the earth out of heaven in that this can mean God has His will unopposed in heaven now but woe to us here on earth. This seems to show a reality in the existence of spirits of huge power and influence becoming sometimes more evident in the world at large and sometimes it is influence of truth having sway and winning and sometimes lies and murderous love of the killing and destruction of lives having predominence. The latter seems like it corresponds with Christ Jesus' testimony of what Satan is like as the most powerful evil spirit yet not as powerful as some even more powerful spirits one of whom is good and true in word, God.
Have just now been watching a tv programme about using telepresence robots to remotely interact with people. Just like the use of an angel by the spirits in heavenly places to interact with us. Lord Jesus, at the right hand of the most high spirit hidden away from humans, can use spirit avatar 'angels' to remotely do what He would do face-to-face. God The Father besides sending a messenger can also project His presence angelically as it might be He did at Jesus' baptism when a voice was heard from the sky saying "This is My Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased". A messenger can come and give a message in delayed time or there can be real time presence by avatar angel.
Friday, 1 July 2016
How Certain Is Prophecy?
Some question trusting of prophecy. Maybe some prophecy is open to interpretation but some is certain too. In my experience which is sparse there can be two types of prophecy that has a lot of certainty or maybe three. The word of God is clear if He appears in a vision perhaps in a dream at night but very clearly God Himself and if He speaks in English or whatever your native language and gives a sign that will happen in the daylight hours following you know it was not just a dream when it happens. Another conclusive kind is a message in an unknown tongue given to one person to speak aloud. Another person hears it but to them is given an interpretation in their native tongue even though they do not know the language of the original message. Then the first person, without hearing the interpretation given the second person, gets an interpetation in their native language given them of what they said in an unknown spirit language and they say it aloud. The other person knows whether the interpretations agree. Two other ways believers are given basis for certainty in the veracity of a revelation or the word God gives or a message of the Holy Spirit is by two kinds of sign accompanying it given by God. One kind is something miraculous we can believe only God could do. Another is a sign of great preponderance of fulfilment. The miracle kind of sign is revealing in itself since because only God can do it we can learn about God from it and it becomes a word from God in its own right. Typical things are miracles at least as great as Jesus Christ did before His crucifixion and we all hear about water into wine, walking on water, feeding 5000 with a few loaves and fishes and calming a ferocious storm. They are God's way of speaking other than with words alone.
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