Ancient people often used the term “God” for those given divine authority by the Father, but only the Father truly is God—the God. This is the reason Jesus came to be called “God”—not because he is the one true God, but because the Father granted him divine authority. However, it is crucial to remember that the Father is the source of all authority. He was the first to have it, the last to hold it, and the only one who can give it. The authority that Jesus has—and because of which he is called “God”—comes entirely from the Father. This will be most evident during the coming Millennium, when the Father will entrust Jesus with rulership, but even then, it will still be the Father who grants it. In the end, Jesus will hand everything back to the Father, who will remain supreme, though He will allow Jesus to reign alongside Him forever. This is why Jesus called the Father alone the one true God (John 17:3) and repeatedly emphasized that his own role and authority came from being sent by the Father. He is the primary one so sent: The Christ, the Elect One. The Father takes great joy in acknowledging Jesus as His Son, and He will keep him at His side forever, where Jesus intercedes for his followers. This truth has been obscuredby many who have confused its meaning, so it is crucial to understand it clearly.